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upcoming livedates
currently no planned performances, but we are working on it
past livedates
november 2018
wassenaar, netherlands (9th) @ 'ivicke noise fest' with strict nurse, offerbeest, magna khaos and lik de kikker
october 2018
oberhausen, germany (19th) @ maschinenfest with dive, dazzling malicious, dirk geiger, control, nullvektor, iszoloscope, end.user, imminent, ah cama-sotz and many, many more
september 2018
the hague, netherlands (28th) @ 'dutch modular fest' at de besturing with das ding, colin benders, sjamsoedin, zeger de vos, maarten vos and nils davidse, ox barber, zonk't, jestern, mudd corp, jack fresia, egg, storm op de maan, fraknoise, andor polgár, kristian jarich, joker nies, lourdes, oneven, the monoranger, the sunshine lounge, yann leguay and many more
den bosch, netherlands (15th) @ 'opening willem twee studio' with roel v/d weerdenburg, sonic rider, mono-poly, gijs gieskens and many more
enschede, netherlands (8th) @ 'gogbot' with zonk't, compressorhead and many more
december 2017
tilburg, netherlands (15th) @ 'the noise of holland' in hall of fame with inox kapell, narishkeit, nano.strike, cinema perdu, vague_entity, zyrtax, gods wil, manica, zenoizen, john thak and bart hard
may 2017
utrecht, netherlands (28th) @ modulation, kytopia with sendepause, maarten vos and nils davidse
october 2016
oberhausen, germany (12th) @ maschinenfest with ectasphere, trackologists, axiome, esa, cervello elettronico, trepaneringsritualen, niveau zero, iszoloscope and many, many more
july 2016
bochum, germany (13th) @ goldkante - a combined lecture & performance about resonance and emotion: from our minds to yours
march 2016
the hague, netherlands (5th) @ de besturing - a performance in collaboration with cinema perdu & silent walls
december 2015
tilburg, netherlands (26th) @ 'the noise of holland' in hall of fame with kristus kut, jenjen, vageman, crever, vette vingers & klamme handen, bart hard, and a million squeeks will do you no harm
november 2015
utrecht, netherlands (26th) @ 'le guess who' in tivoli vredenburg with michel banabila and sigma
juni 2014
utrecht, netherlands (26th) @ tivoli vredenburg - a performance in collaboration with woodbender
december 2013
den haag, netherlands (18th) @ stichting centrum with cinema perdu & casparelectronics
october 2013
zwolle, netherlands (6th) @ post summer festival in collaboration with cinema perdu, with mannheim and seirom
june 2013
zweibrücken, germany (15th) @ kontrastbühne with philipp münch vs. synapscape, xotox and swanika
april 2013
pawtucket, usa (20th) @ machines with magnets with en nihil, iron forest, a murder of angels and the vomit arsonist
brooklyn ny, usa (21st) @ public assembly with en nihil, iron forest, a murder of angels, corephallism and lussuria
october 2012
utrecht, netherlands (6th) @ the spirit chamber with contagious orgasm, kindvriendelijk, svartvit, odal and true deep
oberhausen, germany (12th) @ maschinenfest with hydrone, dirty k, sabes, hysteresis, nin kuji, hecq, enduser, sonar and many, many more
june 2012
utrecht, netherlands (14th) @ hackwire with dewi de vree & jeroen uyttendeale
july 2011
utrecht, holland (30th) @ summer darkness with wikan, kristus kut, akoustic timbre frequency, zeno van den broek & for greater good
april 2010
amsterdam, holland (2nd) @ smart project space with ian martin and legowelt
november 2009
utrecht, holland (20th) @ tivoli / de helling with the kilimanjaro darkjazz ensemble
utrecht, holland (13th) @ vechtclub with b*tong and aun
october 2009
berlin, germany (24th) @ der tag der befreiung ist nah with coph nia and apatheia
august 2009
utrecht, holland (8th) @ summer darkness with spherical disrupted
june 2009
breda, holland (6th) @ a night full of noise with aderlating, hybryds vs traumasutra and kristus kut feat. norss
november 2008
utrecht, holland (8th) @ noise central festival with xabec, flint glass, for greater good, wouter van veldhoven, vernaggelkramp, pu:ppkakkbaggrlull and fragments of duration
october 2008
krefeld, germany (5th) @ maschinenfest with monolith, ms gentur, proyecto mirage, contagious orgasm, bong-ra, vromb, winterkälte and many, many more
june 2008
münster, germany (6th) @ geräuschwelten #46 with inade, hazard and anemone tube
april 2008
altenburg, germany (4th & 5th) @ elektroanschlag 9 with aaron spectre, anhedonia, chrysalide, contaminant, esa, genevieve pasquier, irm, loss, mimetic, nin kuji, punch inc, radio murmansk, s?x only, stendeck, stin scatzor, tzolk'in and winterkälte
october 2007
hilversum (21st) @ the x-rated radio show in the kink fm studios
september 2007
providence (2nd) @ rhode island noisefest in as220 with dj hidden, enduser, xanopticon, duran duran duran, censor, tonikom, statas, capslock and many more
august 2007
utrecht (12th) @ 'le salon d'esprit' in the centraal museum
may 2007
alkmaar (11th) @ 'vage geluiden in stereo' in parkhof with ait!, deutsch nepal, a.c.o.h., aube and brighter death now
april 2007
montreal (8th) @ c.o.m.a. in s.a.t. with visions, orphx,vromb, mlada fronta, s:cage, ordinateur, camanecroszcope, ptsmc, bereft, kriss, victor, pléonasme, blank xpriement and many more
march 2007
quebec (31st) @ le temps partiel with visions, ghost dog, the vault and okokok
second live (10th) @ order of true will
january 2007
groningen (20st) @ platform theater in collaboration with alternative perspective
november 2006
amsterdam (3rd) @ ms stubnitz with statik sky, 13th monkey, fertile reality, grendel, volksweerbaarheid and sonar
october 2006
krefeld (6th) @ maschinenfest with hysteresis, nullvektor, camanecroszcope, geistform, black lung, asche, m2, winterkälte and many more
september 2006
providence (2nd) @ rhode island noisefest in as220 with xanopticon, concrete cookie & the dog, wilt, iszoloscope, antigen shift, terretron, caustic, loss, 15dbz, sorehead, tonikom and angina p
new york (10th) @ the lucky cat with skincage and
navicon torture technologies
august 2006
utrecht (12th) @ summer darkness in ekko with asche (collaboration with improvised drones)
june 2006
arnhem (17th) @ goudvishal with empusae and ah cama-sotz (as richard null)
groningen (23rd) @ heaven & hell 4 in vera with clan of xymox, ringel-s and swansdown (as richard null and the [law-rah] collective featuring hiekelien van den herik)
may 2006
edinburgh (21th) @ henry's cellar bar with jeye_formatique and wraiths
march 2006
montreal (26th) @ c.o.m.a. in s.a.t. with vromb, displacer, monstrare featuring cordell klier, szkieve, s:cage, liar's rosebush, kriss, visions, grkzgl, ptsmc and many more. performance in collaboration with alternative perspective
november 2005
leeds (24th) @ the termite festival in the fenton with fckn bstrds, sektion b, autoclav 1.1, gate 33 and
5-meo-dmt. performance in collaboration with alternative perspective
october 2005
antwerp (8th) @ the spectre showcase in cc luchtbal with 33mhz, okk-ulth, kraken, this morn' omina and loss
september 2005
krefeld (30th) @ maschinenfest in kufa with az rotator, empusae, contaminant, edgey, mental destruction, iszoloscope, architect, punch inc., synapscape, orphx and many more
august 2005
providence (14th) @ rhode island noisefest in as220 with concrete cookie and the dog aka mashup soundsystem, loss, sleeping with the earth, conure, liar's rosebush and many more. performance in collaboration with alternative perspective
montreal (28th) @ o patro vys with vromb, xingu hill, szkieve and visions
april 2005
the recently released 1953 has been played in full as part of the radiodays project (
september 2004
muenster (17th) @ gerauschwelten XII in cuba with notstandskomitee
august 2004
providence (22nd) @ rhode island noisefest in as220 with terretron, immaculate:grotesque, manufactura, terrorfakt, horchata, red reflection, idyl, pine tree state mind control, as all die, perfection plastic, mad ep and many more
june 2004
utrecht (10th) @ xtreactor '04 in ekko with pow[d]er pussy and proyecto mirage
april 2004
st. niklaas (10th) @ 16th independent festival for music & arts with militia, kallabris and brainquake
march 2004
sittard (26th) @ absinthe #7 with atrox and institution d.o.l.
october 2003
geilenkirchen (3rd) @ maschinenfest with cellautomata, shorai, iszoloscope, asche, ultra s t a t a l s ! feat. hypnoskull, panacea, hanin elias and many more
may 2003
arnhem (9th) @ the avecom festival with au
providence (2nd) @ as220 with wilt, navicon torture technologies, mindspawn and moment
april 2003
chicago (25th) @ chase cafe with miles tilmann + mark denardo, tamarin and wilt
urbana (19th) @ urbana/champaign independant media center with wilt and emulsion
september 2002
arnhem (20th) @ sonorama with jan hendrik klug
july 2002
den haag (7th) @ de barthkapel
juni 2002
den haag (7th) @ new forms festival in theater aan het spui with coil, von magnet, biosphere, hazard, julian cope and many more
februari 2002
chicago (23rd) @ the nervous center with veil of secrecy, wilt and tarmvred
oakland (16th) @ chevil ate theatre with cruelty campaign and R|A|A|N
phoenix (10th) @ the jar with cruelty campaign
december 2001
the hague (24th) @ paard op hol with asche
october 2001
aachen (7th) @ maschinenfest in AZ with contagious orgasm, azure skies, axiome, panacea vs needle sharing, proyecto mirage, black lung, ORPHX and many more
juni 2001
arnhem (30th) @ xtreactor in willemeen with cruxshadows, asche, diorama, icon of coil, converter and mesh
march 2001
piedmont (24th) @ studio 960 with seed vs el olvidado, sult, so~nar and restcure
brisbane (23rd) @ lost city 23 club with savak and sleeping with the earth
los angeles (16th) @ DAS Bunker with zymosiz and exclipsect
september 2000
utrecht (22nd) @ in ekko with ovum & jonas "motpol" lindgren (collaboration)
